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Showing results 1 to 20 of 21
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Basic reproductive strategies of glossopterids: supraidioadaptive divergence from the viewpoint of a non–Gondwana palaeobotanistNaugolnykh, Serge V.
1991Changing patterns of vegetation through Siwalik successionAwasthi, N.
2008Comparative study of bone micro-architecture of some mammalian bonesMishra, Sanjay; Konthe Tate, Melissa L.
2010Contemporary taxonomic perspectives of fossil Coralline Red Algae: their possible origin and evolutionGhosh, Amit K.; Sarkar, Suman
2016Early Cretaceous flora of India–A reviewRajanikanth, A.; Chinnappa, Ch.
1997Evolution and comparison of the Gondwana flora and the Cathaysia floraChandra, Shaila; Keqin, Sun
1998Evolution and Ecology of the Cathaysia floraKeqin, Sun; Chandra, Shaila
1991Evolutionary reproductive biologies in the Mesozoic plants of IndiaSukh Dev
1996Evolutionary significance of the Late Devonian lycopsids of the northcentral AmericaChitaley, Shya
1996Evolutionary stages of Triassic flora in Siberia (Angarida)Mogutcheva, N.K.
1986Evolutionary trends in gymnospermous wood structures during Mesozoic - Protopinaceous woods in the German JurassicMueller-Stoll, Wolfgang R.
2016Glossopteridales: An intricate group of plantsSrivastava, A.K.; Srivastava, Rashmi
2016Insect herbivory in Gondwana plantsSrivastava, Rashmi; Srivastava, A.K.
1991Morpho-evolutionary biohorizon stratigraphy and cladistics in saccate pollen through Gondwana Sequence of IndiaVijaya; Tiwari, R.S.
1996Origin of angiosperm charactersKrassilov, Valentin A.
1996Patttterns of evolution of Gondwana floras and origin of angiospermsTiwari, R.S.
1996Pollen spore morphology and plant evolutionNair, P.K.K.
2009Rhizopalmoxylon singulare sp. nov. - coralloid palm roots from the Late Cretaceous Deccan Intertrappean beds of Nawargaon, IndiaBonde, S.D.; Chate, S.V.; Gamre, P.G.
1991Rock building Cretaceous - Tertiary algae from India - an ecological perspectiveRajanikanth, A.
1991Triassic flora of India - a transitionSrivastava, Shyam C.; Manik, S.R.
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