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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1974Algal and Fungal Microfossils from Matanomadh Formation (Palaeocene), Kutch, IndiaKar, R.K.; Saxena, R.K.
2002An argument for the origins of heterospory in aquatic environmentsKar, R.K.; Dilcher, David L.
1968Carboniferous spores and pollen from the Calareti zone of the Moesian platform, BumaniaVankatachala, B.S.; Beju, D.; Kar, R.K.
1966Corisaccites gen.nov., A new saccate pollen genus from the permian of salt range, West PakistanVenkatachala, B.S.; Kar, R.K.
1968Devonian microfossils from the Calarasi zone of the moesic platform, RumaniaVankatachala, B.S.; Beju, D.; Kar, R.K.
1993Diporocolpis: A new type of aperture from the early eocene sediments of Rajasthan, IndiaKar, R.K.
1966Divarisaccus gen. nov., A new saccate pollen genus from the permian sediments of IndiaVenkatachala, B.S.; Kar, R.K.
Dec-1981Endemic miospore genera in the Lower Gondwana countriesKar, R.K.
1999First find of the Early Permian Lower Gondwana plant remains and palynomorphs from the Chhongtash Formation (Upper Shyok valley), eastern Karakoram, IndiaUpadhyay, Rajeev; Chandra, Rakesh; Rai, Hakim; Jha, Neerja; Chandra, Shaila; Kar, R.K.; Sinha, Anshu K.
1985The fossil floras of Kachchh- IV. Tertiary palynostratigraphyKar, R.K.
1969Fossil microplankton from the Langpar formation of Therriaghat, South Shillong Plateau, Assam, IndiaSah, S.C.D.; Kar, R.K.; Singh, R.Y.
1967A fossil Resembling Pediastrum from the Barren Measures Sequence of Jharia Coalfield, Bihar, IndiaKar, R.K.
1992The functional biology of Devonian spores with bifurcate processes-a hypothesisDilcher, D.L.; Kar, R.K.; Dettmann, M.E.
2004Further observation on Meyeripollis Baksi & Venkatachala, 1970Venkatachala, B.S.; Mandaokar, B.D.; Kar, R.K.
1981Gondiastriatites gen. nov.: A new name for the Hitherto known Welwitschiapites Bolkhovitina from the Lower Gondwanas of IndiaKar, R.K.
1983India - The original homeland of Ceratopteris Brongniart (Parkeriaceae)Kar, R.K.
1994Indian Tertiary angiosperm pollen : A critical assessmentVenkatachala, B.S.; Saxena, R.K.; Singh, H.P.; Kar, R.K.; Tripathi, S.K.M.; Kumar, M.; Sarkar, S; Mandal, J.; Rao, M.R.; Singh, B.D.; Mandaokar, B.D.; Ambwani, K.
1996Late Cretaceous and Tertiary palynological succession in IndiaKar, R.K.
1992Morphologicals evolution of pteridophytic spores in relation to free-floating environmentKar, R.K.
1986Neocouperipollis - A new name for Couperipollis Venkatachala & KarKar, R.K.; Kumar, Madhav
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