Browsing by Author Prakash, Uttam
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 1989 | A fossil gymnospermous wood from the Miocene of Yunnan, China | Du, Nai-Zheng; Prakash, Uttam |
1986 | Fossil woods of Kingiodendron and Bauhinia from the Namsang beds of Deomali, Arunachal Pradesh | Awasthi, N.; Prakash, Uttam |
1986 | Occurrence of Australian element in the Deccan Intertrappean flora of India | Bande, M.B.; Mehrotra, R.C.; Prakash, Uttam |
1968 | Sur un petiole fossile de palmier de tiemassas (senegal) et sur son mode d`accroissement diametral | Boureau, Edouard; Prakash, Uttam |
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4