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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1954Botryopteris Elliptica sp. nov. from the Upper Carboniferous of EnglandSurange, K.R.
1974Cuticular studies of the reproductive organs of Glossopteris Part II - Cistella type Fructification Plumsteadiostrobus ellipticus gen. et sp. nov. attached on Glossopteris Taentoides feistmantelChandra, Shaila; Surange, K.R.
1975Cuticular studies of the reproductive organs of Glossopteris. Part IV - Venustostrobus indicus sp. nov.Chandra, Shaila; Surange, K.R.
1971Denkania Indica glossopteridean fructification from the lower gondwana of India.Surange, K.R.; Chandra, Shaila
1971Dictyopterridium sporiferum feismente,-Female cone from the lower gondwana of India.lSurange, K.R.; Chandra, Shaila
1953The female Dwarf Shoot of Walkomiella Indica - A Conifer from the Lower Gondwanas of IndiaSurange, K.R.; Singh, Prem
1975Fertile bracts and scales of Glossopteris fructifications from the Lower Gondwana of IndiaChandra, Shaila; Surange, K.R.
1972Fructifications of glossopteridae from India.Surange, K.R.; Chandra, Shaila
1972Further observations on glossotheca Surange & Maheshwari: Male fructification of glossopteridales.Surange, K.R.; Chandra, Shaila
1972Lidgettonia mucronata sp.nov: A Female fructification from the lower gondwana of India.Surange, K.R.; Chandra, Shaila
1953Megaspores from the West Bokaro Coalfield (Lower Gondwanas) of BiharSurange, K.R.; Singh, Prem; Srivastava, P.N.
1952The Morphology of Botryopteris Antiqua with some observations on Botryopteris RamosaSurange, K.R.
1969On Barakaroxylon JharienseKulkarni, Shaila; Maithy, P.K.; Surange, K.R.
1953On the structure and affinities of Cyclanthodendron Sahnii (Rode) Sahni & Surange from the Deccan Intertrappean seriesSahni, B.; Surange, K.R.
1967On two new species of Phyllotheca from the South Karanpura Coalfield, BiharSurange, K.R.; Kulkarni, S.
1971Partha a new type of female fructification from the lower gondwana of India.Surange, K.R.; Chandra, Shaila
1972Some male fructifications of glossopteridales.Surange, K.R.; Chandra, Shaila
1975Some scale leaves and sporangia from the Raniganj coalfield, IndiaChandra, Shaila; Surange, K.R.
1955Studies in the Glossopteries flora of India - 3. Plant fossils from the Talchir needle shales from Giridih coalfieldSurange, K.R.; Lele, K.M.
1958Studies in the Glossopteris flora of India - 10. Dadoxylon barakarense sp. nov. from the Jharia coalfield, IndiaSurange, K.R.; Saxena, Y.N.
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