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HomePalaeobotanistVolume 1 (1952)

Title: Ranikothalia Sahnii, n.sp. and R. Savitriae, n.sp.: A possible link between the Paleocene Faunas of the East and West Indies
Authors: Davies, Lt. Col. L.M.
Issue Date: 1952
Citation: Palaeobotanist (1952) 1: 155-158
Abstract: The author refers to his paper "Ranikolhalia in East and West Indies" (1949), in which he cited a West African form as apparently linking the Paleocene Ranikothalia of the Indo-Afghan border to those of the Antilles. He now describes that form as Ranikothalia sahnii, and its megaspheric companion as R. savitriae, as a tribute to his friend the late Prof. Birbal Sahni, F.R.S., and to Mrs. Sahni.
Appears in Collections:Volume 1 (1952)

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